HelloShopper Intro
HelloShopper is a personal shopping service in which users can talk directly with our real live shoppers for gift recommendations (and other personal items) that fit their specific requirements. Our shoppers come from various retail, fashion and interior decorating backgrounds. In addition to making recommendations our shoppers were charged with researching and building a catalog of items to pull from during these requests. They also broker partnerships with certain vendors. These relationships revolve around the promotion of their goods through our service in exchange for margin on items purchased through our site. This is the core of HS’s business model.
Formerly called Scratch, our shift to focus primarily on gifts rather than any type of item a user requested prompted us to think seriously about changing our name and brand. There had been previous discussions due to concerns that the name Scratch was not easily understood and remembered. Also not owning “scratch.com” proved to be a challenge in discoverability. So when our data started to point to the fact that gifts could be a more profitable focus for our product we decided this shift could be accompanied by a complete brand change.
The name HelloShopper was chosen after much brainstorming from our CEO, Marketing, Design and Product teams. It was chosen for its memorability and clarity to how it relates to what our product does. From there the logo and new brand colors took shape and that was spread over the entirety of our experience from product to marketing and beyond.
To the left you can see our chat interface which is the core flow of our product. This interface has gone through many changes based on testing and shifting priorities (and will continue to do so) but the core purpose has remained the same. The shopper and user converse here with the goal of finding the right item. Besides the ability to leave text based chat items the recommendations are also given through this interface.
Check out more examples from the HelloShopper product:

Our chat interface where requests are managed and fulfilled

Left: new brand (HelloShopper); Right: Old brand (Scratch)

Left: new brand (HelloShopper); Right: Old brand (Scratch)